Friday, March 25, 2005
the psp has been launched in the US yesterday... in japan, still no news of new batches. they seriously under-produced back in dec and sold out the 800,000 sets they have available here. and they are yet to replenish any stocks... duh. that's only about 4.5% of the japanese population owning a psp... when are they going to buck up? will never catch up with nintendo like that...
anyway psp basic set here cost under 20k yen (305 SGD), and the deluxe set cost ard 26k yen (405 yen). roughly. can't exactly rem the actual price since it happened so long ago. so roughly ard the same price as the US release ones.... ppl who bought in singapore i heard got it for ard 600-700 SGD... that's crazy. anyway... still waiting for news of new stocks over here...
as for ps3, still no news over here yet, though i've read from somewhere it may either be end this year or next year. dun hope for much though... their new cell microprocessor also just been introduced 2 months or so ago... so dunno at what stage of design or testing they are at now...
posted by winz at 9:37 AM  
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