Tuesday, July 05, 2005
in the news today...
there's nothing very exciting in the news today... but there's some kinda interesting quotes i came across though... (probably not interesting to the average japanese, i must quote)
"When two guys go off on a holiday, the only thing I can imagine about them is that they're an item. If that were the case, then anything that went on between them would have been consensual..." says Toru-mama, head of the transsexual club Hige Girl in Tokyo's gay quarter Shinjuku Ni-Chome.
this is taken from an article about a gay murder (rather alledged gay rape followed by murder). you mean 2 guys cannot go off on a holiday together just as friends? the ONLY thing one can imagine is they are gays?? gosh... guys, beware when your guy colleague asks you out for holiday together LOL!
it's nice to see that there are news in japan translated and/or written in english for the benefit of english readers... however, for the translated ones especially, sometimes, it will be written in some funny english... hehe... can't blame them lah, at least they are trying their best. however, this article on slipper ping pong has a title that, i must say, oozes err... originality...
Slipper Slappers Slipping Ping into Pong
cool rite??!!? anyway the japanese are really inventors of all things weird and interesting... playing table tennis with slippers (ok not really that original, i use to play it with books when i was young)? but hey, they even have world championships for it!!
posted by winz at 9:59 AM  
Lol. You and Calvin always together leh... Hmm ...
2 guys hor. Joking.
Anyway, if I were you, I don't even bother what people think. What they want to think and guess is totally up to them. You cannot please everyone in this world.
Anonymous, at
11:03 AM
haha... yeah.. joke lah... ;D
winz, at
10:14 PM
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