Thursday, April 14, 2005
more on words... ;) hope you guys dun get bored with me...
we all know what acrophobia, arachnophobia and xenophobia... and we know there are probably hundred and one of such words with the suffix -phobia
well here are some interesting ones:
- Aibohphobia - Fear of palindromes (notice it is a palindrome by itself)
- Atychiphobia, Kakorrhaphiophobia - Fear of failure (you better dun fail in remembering this word correctly if you are this!)
- Caligynephobia, Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women (hmm is that why my heart pounds everytime i see a beautiful woman? ;p)
- Ergophobia - Fear of work (that's me)
- Fearaphobia - Fear of the word fear (can't say "i fear the word fear" if you are this, can you? ha)
- Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, Sesquipedalophobia - Fear of long words (well not very convenient for them is it? imagine if they have to declare this to a doctor or something... they will be freaked out trying to say the word)
to sum it up, - Panophobia, Pantophobia - Fear of everything.
while many are often guess-able just by looking at the word, some you will never have got them correct.
here are some which you would never have guessed what they mean:
- Dinophobia
- Eurotophobia
- Gymnophobia
- Herpetophobia
- Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
- Hippophobia
- Leukophobia
- Pagophobia
- Papaphobia
- Plutophobia
- Rhinophobia
- Virginitiphobia
i leave you with these, let you guess for awhile... if you wanna know what these mean, i have given the answers in the comments to this post. so click on the comments to view the answers, and while you are there, do leave a comment as well.. hehe...
alternatively, you can look here to see multitudes of phobias. of course the equal opposite of -phobia is -philia, and there's a whole list of them too, can see them here.
yeah yeah.... call me anything you want... but this is interesting... =) to me at least...
posted by winz at 2:01 PM  
ok let's start from the top...
Dinophobia is not the fear of dinosaurs... it is the fear of dizziness or whirlpools.
Eurotophobia is not the fear of europe (that's just europhobia btw), it is the fear of female genitalia.
Gymnophobia is not the fear of gymns, it is the fear of nudity... (also known as Nudophobia)
Herpetophobia is not the fear of herpes, it is the fear of reptiles.
Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, this long one, is the fear of the number 666.
Hippophobia, nope, not hippos.... it is the fear of horses.
Leukophobia, well leukemia is pretty close, but not quite... it is the fear of the colour white.
Pagophobia, no pagodas in this one as well, this is the fear of ice or frost.
Papaphobia, fathers are safe here, dun worry, this is the fear of the Pope. (demise of pope getting a lot of media attention nowadays, poor guys, gotta hide away from the news...)
Plutophobia, not fear of pluto, but the fear of wealth. (i can cure this... just gimme all your wealth if you are one!)
Rhinophobia, as expected, not fear of rhinos, but the fear of noses.
Virginitiphobia, virgins are not feared here, this is the fear of rape.
yup... english is crazy sometimes... =)
winz, at
2:11 PM
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