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Monday, February 21, 2005

bdae V(^o^)


first and foremost, thanks for all your well wishes, the great dinner together, the nice birthday cake and thoughtful presents!

yesterday went for a concert at muza symphony hall, by the tokyo philharmonic ochestra. the layout of this very new concert hall is pretty cool, as my fren puts it, it looks like minas tirith, in the sense that from the stalls all the way up to the 3rd floor circus seats, there are steps and seats round and round the dome-shaped hall. achitecture-wise more interesting than the esplanade, acoustic-wise, also better... and of course ochestra-wise, sso confirm no fight. repertoire wise, the highlight were mendelssohn's violin concerto no. ? in e minor, with a 19 year old cutie in solo. and is she good or what... 2nd half is the all-so-popular pictures in an exhibition... nice nice nice... 2 thumbs up! going again for another concert in 2 weeks time hehe...

afterwhich, waited for some frens to come to kawasaki to have a bdae dinner together.. had some chinese food which was pretty good, paled in comparison with the company of course =) later went for nikai to some other restaurant dunno what name, had rounds of drinks and began to discuss chinese 歇后语 and 词语.. haha... just for the fun of it... guess it started from the 干柴烈火 =p that's another story between fiona and ivan/calvin altogether haha... although no karaoke, we each sang a song too... best was calvin's rendition of 但愿人长久... had to pay a high price for his rendition too... thanks for all who made it.. really had a great time =)

went back dorm and had a sangai, with guys coming to my room with a bdae cake... sadly not tiramisu... but was still good nonetheless.... they gave me a great present too! by not saboing me... hehe...

had some well wishes from singapore via icq... though the best must be a fren who long long time no msg me liao but msged me last nite... thot she was going to wish me happy bdae... but instead asked me to promote her business for her! #'$"& haha... just joking.... dun mind of course.. so here it is... guys, anyone interested in getting an antique safe? pls email me, and i will direct you to my fren =)

here are the pressies i got this year for my bdae, in chronological order...

first up, a book from 颖彬姐, thanks a lot! will read this soon! knew english books are hard to find here, so got me one... so thoughtful! so touched.. really love it, thanks!!

(title a bit too hard to miss =p)

next up was another surprise. found a package taped to my door when i got back last nite... from fangyi. thanks! really loved the song before this, but didn't know the title and didn't know how to find... 真是踏破铁靴... thanks!

Mika Nakashima - 中島美嘉 - 桜色舞うころ

next is a pressie from calvin, old buddy old pal... knew i loved eva cassidy, so got this cd for me... so nice rite? thanks!!! really love this too! it is my aim to get ALL her cd's!! i am a step closer to my goal now =)

Chuck Brown & Eva Cassidy - The Other Side

hope to post all the pictures i promised you real real soon! =p

In the evening, a great pal of mine from Uni days called me from Singapore! So touched! Ms Tan, thanks for remembering, and it's really great hearing from you! =)
During my conversation with my family at night, they said i never write in my blog the presents they gave me... ok, so to set the records straight, my mum knitted a scarf for me, its really pretty and i really like it. keep showing off to my frens asking them nice or not and telling them my mum made it =) thanks mum! of course there's these pair of nice shoes that my sis bought for me, which i have mentioned earlier... thanks again sis!

update 2: pics!!

muza symphony hall

bdae - from left: ivan, sps, tshush, ore, jianrong, damien, james(covered by calvin's hand), ck, calvin (siownan is the guy at the bottom left of the first photo)

posted by winz at 10:09 AM   0 comments



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